New Year’s Real Estate Update!

Sellers and buyers benefit as the new year begins!

If you’re planning to sell in 2020 the early year market can create more attention from buyers and higher value!  There have been very few new listings the last two months; buyers are anxious to see new choices; especially homes that are well prepared and in good overall condition.

Now is the time for buyers to apply for a mortgage with an experienced lender who will provide an approval for the home of your dreams. Most buyers wait for the warmer weather to look for homes. The savvy buyer wants to beat the Spring competition and be ready the moment new homes appear on the market.

Our team is ready to assist you! We offer homeowners the tools to maximize the value of your home. We have a network of contractors to complete your projects and stagers to increase the price and marketability  of your home when you’re ready to sell. We help buyers learn the process to be successful in a competitive market.

Contact us for a free consultation!

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